EC-2 Instance - Launch and Connect Linux based Instance (Git bash)

EC-2 Instance - Launch and Connect Linux based Instance (Git bash)

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

  • Launch Instance Configuration

  • Steps to Launch Instance


In previous blog we already know about EC-2 instance if to add up few things service interface allows you to obtain and configure capacity with minimal friction. It provides you with complete control of your computing resources and lets you run Amazon’s proven computing environment. Amazon EC2 changes the economics of computing by allowing you to pay only for capacity that you actually use. Amazon EC2 provides developers the tools to build failure resilient applications and isolate them form common failure scenarios.

Windows & Linux based instance - Different AMIs - Different traffic allowed in inbound rules of security group. Linux AMI and allowing SSH type traffic from anywhere/myip Git Bash - Standalone openSSH type client (linux based) to connect to the instance from the Windows Machine/System. Download Git for Windows and install it. - Use Linux Command "ssh" to connect to the instance - ssh command syntax is - ssh -i "private-key-with-path" [user@]<ip-address/hostname/dns name> - e.g. - ssh -i "10amkeypair.pem" ec2-user@ [or] ssh -i "10amkeypair.pem"

Launch Instance Configuration

  • Give a Name & Tag

  • Select AMI (OS & Application Software)

  • Instance Type (Configuration of CPU, Memory, Storage, & Networking)

  • Keypair(Login Information)

  • Network Setting (select network & subnetwork, select/create Security group)

  • Configure Storage (default - 1 root volume based on AMI)

  • Advance Setting

Steps to Launch an Instance

Step-1: Login into AWS Management Console & Search & open EC2 Service page, click on Instances link in left navigation panel & click on Launch Instance button at top right.

Step-2: Now provide 7 configurations according to your need which are Launch Instance Configuration. Image shows interference after launching the instance. Till now the steps are same as windows based instance.

Step-3: Connecting Linux based instance using Git bash tool.

Google “git for windows” and click on the first link click on download and then install it in your computer.

Step-4: On instances page in AWS console, select the instance and click on connect button. In next page, got to SSH Client tab and click on copy icon beside the example command to copy it.

Step-5: Now to go Downloads folder and right-click in the empty space and select “Git Bash Here”. In Git Bash window, paste the copied command and press enter.

Step-6: It will ask for confirmation, type “yes” and press enter. It will login into the instance. Now you can work on this instance. After complection of your type exit to logout.

These are the steps to launch and connect linux based instance using Gitbash as tool. My next topic will be about steps to launch and connect linux based instance using putty as tool. Thank you for giving your time to take a look at it. Hope this helps you in your way.